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My Major sightings around the world

The first night in America.
Las vegas. 1976

Waikiki Hawaii 2 a.m.  1977

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Vancouverr, Canada  12 a.m.  1982.
The most strange alien experience before this day,  Scientist is my witness. 


Outside of Las Vegas my friend is driving. 1983

Nice South of FRance. The first time visit. In the hotel room with Mother. 
1988.The next day Nice became my home for 23 years. 

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Peru MachuPichu 2001 


South of Los Angeles 2007 

Nice. 1992 

Strange light in Sedona  - Copy - Copy_e
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Seasl Beach in front of my house 

Near Mt. Fuji Japan. This is a  Picture taken in 1993
This is unkown. 

Sedona , Arizona    This is a Picture in 2008 


Other Worldly Experiences  


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​The image of the golden world

I visited. 

The image of the nature in the golden world. It became the seed to become a painter 

My first encounter. The aliens were standing.  I was 6 years old, Japan, laying on the table 

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Astral travel. Near death experience. Happened more than dozen times 


The image of the nature in the golden world. 

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Angel violinist played in the golden world

and told me to practice my violin. Because I would become a violin performer and travel the world. 

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