Published in England
by Mery Rodwell in 2015
"Cruise Magazine" Published in Japan

Book Review

Bill Chalker in Australia .
He was the first person who started to promote my book,

UFO researcher, Mary Rodwell.
“Julliena Okah's book is a spiritual life journey with a strong UFO/alien touchstone. I was intrigued by her accounts of early childhood alien abduction experiences. I felt it was a rich and rewarding read, even if aspects rattled against my scientific sensibilities. It’s a strange world out there and one needs to keep an open mind. A most fascinating and intriguing story with various turns. Her art, music and dancing are striking.”
—Bill Chalker: Scientist/ Leading UFO researcher, Australia
NSW UFO Investigation Center (UFOIC)
“As principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network, I have worked with over 3,000 cases globally. Julliena Okah’s story has some similarity to many contactees, but her unique personal experiences by the aliens and her deep understandings will alter people’s preconceived idea. It is an important book for us.”
—Mary Rodwell: Principal of ACERN( Australian Close Encounter
Resource Network) and Co-founder of FREE
( Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters)
“One life, Many Worlds” is an aptly titled autobiography by a woman whose talent--as a musician, a painter, and a writer--extend in many directions. Julliena Okah has traveled the globe--not just the physical world but the inner worlds and beyond. She’s a woman with a purpose. This book is full of information that will stimulate thought of spirituality.”
—Bondo Wyszpolski: Newspaper writer (Los Angeles Register and others)
“Julliena Okak’s book is an awakening book for those on earth who are still in a long sleep to the other reality in other worlds. Her unique experiences, along with her research and descriptions, can endure the logical verification. I believe this is a precious book.”
—Eisei Komatu: Author, Invitation to the Ascension in Japan
Founder of the Gaia Ascension (The Way of the New Birth)